Schools need to remove unvaccinated children

This campaign aims to change the beliefs of persuadable people using targeted social media ads.

Persuadable Persona

Anita Morris is an example of a persuadable person. She is a stay at home mom who believes that every person is uniquely different.

I love my family and hope that I can always be the best person I can be. I hope to teach my children that as well.

Anita Morris





I am a loving mother of 3 who always tries to do what is best for my children. All three of them are so different though that sometimes I don't know what that is. My husband is a construction worker and I stay at home with our youngest while the other two are in school.


I do truly believe that no one person is the same. We all do things a different way. As a mother, I always try to adapt to each child's needs and find what is best for each of them. Each of my children reacted differently to their vaccines, so I can only imagine how many more reactions are possible.

Anita's Concerns

I understand the importance of safety, but I also understand that every child is different. My eldest had a bad allergic reaction to a vaccine when he was one, so I waited until my other two were at least three to get theirs. I just don't know what to think when there are so many different people involved.

Why is Anita persuadable?

Anita is persuadable because she is a conscientious decision-maker. She understands that everyone has different opinions, and she doesn't know how she would be able to make a decision when there are so many different people that that decision would affect. This understanding of human differences is what makes her wary of choosing one side. However, she also is acutely aware of the fragility of child health as she has three children of her own. She understands that each child reacts differently to different things, but she also knows that the children's safety is what is in question here. She is persuadable because once she can view the facts directly related to the issue, she will be able to make an informed decision. This decision, although it affects many others, will be able to be what she thinks is the right decision for the safety of all the children involved.


Persuasive Social Ads

These are three ads meant to educate and convince those that are undecided on their side of the vaccine argument. Hopefully, these would also be able to convince some of the people on the far other side as well.

Post 1: Effective Vaccines

For this ad, I wanted the facts of the situation to be clear and prominent. I wanted those same facts to relate the importance of vaccines to a school situation as well. Then it was just a matter of having that fact stand out, without the ad looking empty. I made the text large enough to be a significant focus, then added an icon that would represent the fact well, a vaccine. I also made sure to choose a colour that wouldn't be too shocking for the viewer. I then added a tagline in the bottom corner that would not only make the fact relate again to the issue, but would also tie the three ads together as a piece. I chose Instagram for this ad. Although a lot of mothers tend to use Facebook, it is also so inundated with advertisements that they tend to be ignored more than ads on other social media platforms.

Post 2: Preventability

For this ad, I wanted the fact to portray just how many people are not vaccinating. It also represents the consequences of that. This time, the icon chosen is a germ as I wanted the symbol to show the danger that can be prevented by a vaccine. However, the text is still large enough, and easily readable, to make the fact critical to the viewer. Once again, I used the tagline in the bottom right corner to portray the situation that the ad is for. This tagline continues to help tie the ads together. I chose Instagram for this ad because a lot more adults are starting to use the platform. As well, for this particular persona, a mother who is very proud of her children and their differences, I believed that it would be a platform she would use. As well, because it was only just taken over by Facebook, there are currently slightly fewer ads on Instagram than some other platforms.

Post 3: School Safety

This ad has a slightly more eye-catching colour as it contains the most serious of the three facts. As well, with this icon, I wanted to truly emphasize the fact that unvaccinated children could not be in schools. I wanted the ads to have a slight emptiness that I would fill with the information I wanted the viewer to see. The tagline in all of these posts is then a small call to action, telling the user to help keep schools free of disease. I wanted the text to be bold and easy to read. I chose Instagram once again because it is a prominently visual platform. It has a unity that when an ad differs visually, it causes the user to pause and consider. In this case, I felt that my ads fit in with the visual aspect. It would also convince my audience because it considers the safety of their children.